Our Products

Epoxy Resin (Purity: 99%)

Epoxy Resin
Product No NRE-54003
CAS 12136-78-6
Purity 99%
Molecular Formula NA
Cured Density 1.16g/ml
Colour Black/Gray
Tensile modulus 4.08E+05
Molecular Weight NA
Tensile Strength 7,900 psi
Flexural Strength 14,100 psi
Flexural Modulus 4.61E+05

Epoxy Resin (Purity: 99%)

Epoxy resin is a versatile material used in various applications, from art projects to industrial coatings.


Work Area: Choose a well-ventilated area with a stable, level surface. Protect your workspace with plastic sheets or newspaper to catch any drips.

Safety Gear: Wear gloves, safety glasses, and a mask to protect yourself from fumes and skin contact.

Materials: Gather your epoxy resin kit (resin and hardener), mixing cups, stir sticks, a torch or heat gun (for removing bubbles), and any pigments or additives you plan to use.

Surface Preparation

Clean Surface: Ensure the surface you’re applying the resin to is clean, dry, and free of dust or oils.

Seal Surface (if needed): If working with porous materials like wood or canvas, seal the surface with a thin layer of resin or a suitable sealer to prevent bubbles.

Mixing the Epoxy Resin

Measure: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct resin-to-hardener ratio, typically 1:1 or 2:1 by volume.

Mix: Pour the measured components into a mixing cup and stir slowly for 3-5 minutes.

Add Color or Additives: If adding pigments, glitter, or other additives, mix them in after the resin and hardener are thoroughly combined.


Pour: Slowly pour the mixed epoxy resin onto your prepared surface. Use a spreading tool (like a plastic spreader or spatula) to evenly distribute the resin.

Layering: If applying multiple layers, allow the first layer to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions before applying the next one.

Remove Bubbles: Use a heat gun or torch to gently heat the surface and remove air bubbles. Be careful not to overheat, which can cause the resin to burn.


Time: Let the resin cure in a dust-free environment. Curing time varies depending on the resin type and environmental conditions (usually between 24-72 hours).

Protection: Cover the curing project to protect it from dust or debris.


Sanding and Polishing: If necessary, sand the cured resin with fine-grit sandpaper and polish it to achieve a smooth, glossy finish.

Topcoat: Apply a final layer of clear resin or a protective topcoat for added durability, especially if the piece will be exposed to heavy use or outdoor elements.

Clean Up

Tools: Clean tools immediately after use with isopropyl alcohol or acetone before the resin hardens.
